Ultimate Musical & Theatre Quiz Only Expert Can Score

Whatever your taste in music might be, chances are you love a good musical – with the genre remaining as popular as ever.
From Andrew Lloyd Webber classics through to the Oscar-winning likes of La La Land, we can\’t get enough of musicals – and we’re even being entertained through lockdown with several West End favourites being streamed on YouTube, meaning we can get our fix even while the theatres and cinemas are shut.
There is nothing like a good musical to put a spring in your step.
While venues have been closed, hopefully you've had a chance to brush up on your musical theatre knowledge – just in time to give this dastardly hard quiz a try!
From Andrew Lloyd Webber classics through to the Oscar-winning likes of La La Land, we can\’t get enough of musicals – and we’re even being entertained through lockdown with several West End favourites being streamed on YouTube, meaning we can get our fix even while the theatres and cinemas are shut.
There is nothing like a good musical to put a spring in your step.
While venues have been closed, hopefully you've had a chance to brush up on your musical theatre knowledge – just in time to give this dastardly hard quiz a try!
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